Hello friends, good day and how has our post made any impact on your lifestyle? We need to know so as to get info on what to give you. Any way it's good we start the day/week with some health tips that will give you a leap...
you know?
1. Any food you consume after 8 p.m. in the night every day is as good as
a poison to your body?
2. If you can follow the water therapy for 3 months religiously, your skin,
your body and your organs begins to function well? {Check out the therapy in my
previous post}
3. Do you know that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; if you
must skip any meal, it shouldn't be your breakfast?
4. Do you know that too much red
meat is very dangerous to your health?
5. Do you know that a person, who smiles always live longer, looks younger and
are healthier than those who do not?
6. You can use the most expensive cream on your body; you can take the best
care of your body, but HONEY with BANANA can make your skin glow, make it
look good and make people ask you the kind of cream you are using.
7. For every bottle of soft drink you consume, you have just taken 9 cubes of sugar,
and it takes 7 days for it to wash off your body; men increases their likelihood
of having a heart attack by 20 percent with the above.
8. Fried meat is a killer food; it is gradually damaging your body.
9. People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar
10. Drinking water only when you are thirsty is obtaining a license to damage your
11. Holding your urine when you are supposed to let go is another way you are
damaging your liver?
12. Adding salt to your food when it is already served is another way of slowly
poisoning yourself and your vital organs?
13. Observing the routine of proper eating: Eat BREAKFAST like a KING, LUNCH
like a PRINCE and DINNER like a BEGGAR would help you live longer.
Please take care of your health, for HEALTH is WEALTH
Read our health tips to get wiser and
healthier… And make your comment where you disagree!